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Product Science
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Because any real enhancement of color vision is new, it’s appropriate to be skeptical.  Most, if not all, medical/optometry schools teach very little about any real options for color-deficient patients.  The Color My World glasses are not a cure for color-deficiency but rather a way to enhance the perception of different colors.


Let’s start with the basics.  The retina is the "film of the camera" that lines the inside (back) of our eyes.  It contains our photo-receptors which are the Rods and Cones.  Rods are primarily used for night vision and see only black and white.  The Cones are concentrated in the center of the retina in the Macula of the eye.  Cones come in just 3 types which are commonly referred to as: Red, Green or Blue cones.  Each of the cone types is sensitive to different wavelengths or colors of light.  Any decrease in the number of 1 or more cone types results in color deficiency.    




There are many different versions and severity of Color Deficiency.  Red/Green is the most common and it is broken down into Deuteran and Protan versions.  Along with Mild, Moderate and Strong designations.  Then there is Blue/Yellow Deficiency or Tritanopia, also with Mild, Moderate and Strong designations.  The CMW Kit is showing to help ALL versions gain at least some color perception.   Yet even with the 6 options, not everyone gets the huge "WOW" reaction.


"Colorblindness" is most often an Inherited condition.  It is an "X" recessive trait.  Males are XY and thus have only one X chromosome.  If they receive the "deficient" X from their Mother, then they are colorblind.  A Female would have to have both XX chromosomes with the trait.  This is why less than 1% of females are colorblind.  While it affects 8-10% of males.


Over the course of time medical professionals have developed a variety of tests to pinpoint one’s color deficiencies.  So while doctors are proficient at diagnosing someone’s color blindness there has been little advancement in the treatment of the problem.  Since most colorblind people might see some colors in a spectrum; the challenge became how to manually increase the range with outside influencers.  Most of the advancement has occurred in the last decade!


Typical results show greatly improved ability to see the numbers in an Ishihara Color Vision Test.  Which often corresponds to remarks of increased brightness to colors and describing them as much more vivid.  While each user has their own experience a high volume of patients who tried the glasses do like having them as an option for everyday use. 


Color My World has presented these new glasses to people at trade shows and eye care offices and the overwhelming feedback has been positive.  Once again there is no claim that these cure anyone’s color blindness or would bring color perception back to 100%, but for the overwhelming amount of users they do see an improvement.


This type of improvement can help people in their work and home life and have an overall more enriched life experience.  It also opens the door to further advancements over the years which the team at Color My World will stay on top of.   Thanks for considering these products.


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